Canada’s History Of Cannabis

History Of Cannabis

The debate about the status of cannabis as an illegal drug might seem never-ending. However, with progressive countries like CBD oil Canada legalizing the controversial plant, even the global business sector is seeing it in a different light. Canada’s CBD Oil perspective is not only influenced recently but it goes way back to the 19th century.

Cannabis In Canada During 19th Century

In 1801, Upper Canada’s Lieutenant Governor decided to distribute hemp seeds to local farmers in order to boost the industry. Later on in 1822, the provincial parliament allocated 300 pounds worth of machinery to process the harvested hemp and encouraged domestic producers.

Cannabis In Canada During 20th Century (Pre-World War 2 Era)

In 1917, the new machine was invented to make the separation of hemp fibre from its internal core easier. But due to favouring more on cotton production, hemp was slowly neglected.

And later on, in 1923, all cannabis-related products were categorized similarly to opium and cocaine by the government. More than a decade after, in 1937, the first seizure of marijuana was made under Canada’s law enforcement.

Cannabis In Canada During 20th Century (Modern Era)

After World War 2, cannabis rose again to popularity in Canada. The stigma only grew more as people began to live comfortably and enjoyed more the freedom they were tasting. Due to cannabis’ drastic increase in fame, the Canadian government formed the ‘Royal Commission of Inquiry in the Non-Medical Use of Drugs’ or ‘Le Dain Commission’ for investigation of its abuse.

Over time, people were starting to adopt cannabis in their daily routines that even the Le Dain Commission recommended in 1972 to remove the criminal penalties for using and possessing cannabis. However, it was declined. One of the prolific cases of cannabis possession is of Terrance Parker’s case, who was arrested in 1996 for growing the plant for epilepsy.

Cannabis In Canada During The 2000s

With all that history, the 2000s became busy in dealing with the stance of the use and possession of cannabis plants and products. Due to Terrance Parker’s case, there was a change of perspective when the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled in 2000 that the cannabis prohibition was unconstitutional.

Later on, the government focused on treating marijuana in a different light. The Marihuana for Medical Access Regulations, or MMAR, was formed in 2001 to provide licenses for farm growers. However, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had announced in 2006 that prison sentences would be mandated to those cannabis dealers and growers with more than 500 plants in the stash.

Cannabis In Canada During The 2010s

Fortunately, the policies in the 2010s had corrected the mistakes imposed by the roller-coaster 2000s. Justice Donald Taliano ruled MMAR as unconstitutional in 2011 on their prohibitions imposed the past decade. Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, or MMPR, was created in 2013 as the reformed agency for licensing cannabis growers.

In2015, Owen Smith’s case was put in the spotlight regarding cannabis-infused cookies. Because of his appeal, CBD oil in Canada was technically allowed to be produced commercially.

It was in 2017, where marijuana users rejoiced due to the proposition of the Cannabis Act, wherein cannabis activities conducted by adults from ages 18 years old and up were completely legal. Later on, in 2018, it was fully implemented.

Last Words

Canada may have benefitted from being a country with less interaction with war and controversy. Their economic and social signs of progress lead the citizens to be more positive in accepting cannabis as part of their lives. It will be just a matter of years before other progressive countries like the USA and the UK will soon fully adopt Canada’s perspective on cannabis.

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