The Geodesic Dome in Montreal

The geodesic dome in Montreal was designed by Shoji Sadao and Buckminster Fuller. This large dome houses a museum and a research center as foreplaned by Fuller. The dome has since been given the name Biosphere.

One book, Geodesic Dreams, was produced and released together with a breath-taking exhibition at the “de design de I’UQAM” Centre. The book portrays interesting photographs that trace Canada’s development when it comes to methods and techniques for constructing geodesic domes. It also contains information on the future of Expo 67 dome as well as the actual and anticipated uses of the structure.

Jeffrey Lindsay, who studied with Fuller in the US, build the satellite offices for Fuller Research Foundation in 1949. The offices were situated at Lindsay’s home, which is adjacent to the McGill University. Lindsay enlisted his friends, colleagues, and family members to fabricate unique innovative structures. As a result, Lindsay and his team had a breakthrough in the construction of a geodesic dome.

In December 1950, Jeffrey Lindsay’s photograph of his geodesic dome prototype was showcased in the 1952 exhibition in New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Later, he displayed another project, a 21-meter dome, designed to house military people in Canada at Vancouver’s Pacific National Exhibition. According to Cammie McAtee, the editor of Geodesic Dreams, states that the works of Lindsay brought Canadian identity and geodesic domes together.

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